Showing posts with label A to Z Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A to Z Challenge. Show all posts

Friday, 19 October 2012

New genres A-Z - from archeopunk to zombie derival

Here then are all of the entries for the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2012, 26 posts with the theme of possible new genres for fiction, maybe in gaming but also beyond it. Some are deadly serious, others may just be silly, but as so often, it depends on you - the person.

The underpinning was this debate, on themes that have been running through a lot of the posting at the Expanse, and the discussion has spun out across the months. The latest instalment could be this recent back-and-forth. Feel free to join in, anywhere and -when.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Ravelling yarns (4) - A-Z | Just a man

Here is the repost I mentioned, of the series for the A to Z Blogging Challenge 2011.

The idea was to put up a post every day in April except Sundays, the theme of each inspired by a letter of the alphabet, from A on the first day to Z on the last. Mine were short fragments of a larger narrative adding to the ravelling yarns near future setting.

I've arranged them in order, with the duplication of linking lines gone, although there is still some repetition in the content, written in to make reading the serialisation easier.

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Sunday, 1 May 2011

Beyond A to Z

For most of us the A to Z Blogging Challenge is now over, or the last few entries are being polished and posted. A time for reflection. How did it go here?

In terms of numbers, not too badly. As far as I can recall without checking, 22 of the 26 were posted on the intended day, and of the four that were not, two were around a day late, one half a day or so, and one just a few minutes. Close enough. I'll take that.

In terms of content, I'm relatively happy. It began as planned, as one side of a dialogue dealing each day with an aspect of the ravelling yarns setting, whether an aspect seen previously or one entirely new. Then things got a little out of hand, and the narrator was killed and resurrected, running the narrative off onto another set of rails.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Running out of words?

If you comment as much as I do, and especially if you're trying to get round the thousand plus blogs involved in the A to Z Blogging Challenge, you could well be running out of words.

A couple of solutions borrowed from masters of the arts, Johnathan Bingham and H. P. Lovecraft. Yep, both of those names in the same sentence. He's not just a hot elf chick. Johnathan I mean.

Anyway, Johnathan's handy list of encouraging phrases is here at Ostensible Cat, and a list of Lovecraft's favourite words here, at Cthulhu Chick.

Thanks to NetherWerks for heralding the second, and those words are especially good for the unspeakable weirdness emerging from just one of their dark projects, Zalchis...

If anyone else knows any other examples of this kind of linguistic inspiration, feel free to leave a link or, even better, your own suggestions in the comments.