Two more from the brilliant Riskail have also just gone in, and to get the Maelstrom table finished finally, I'm going to be adding one entry a day until the end of the month. That will make six entries in total, for rolls using a d6.
If anyone adds a new entry in this time, I'll match it with one more and keep that up until we reach the number of the next standard die, whether that's a d8, d10, d12, d20 or d30.
It's about getting a set of watery arrivals in other worlds, to help games migrate between settings and universes. Here's an entry for today then, no. 4. Maybe it seems familiar...
The descent into the Maelstrom... (1D4 so far)
Pretty much anything goes. Leave suggestions here or there - I'll credit every entry with a link. You can track progress using the graphic grid at the top of the right-hand sidebar.
Update: We're already up an entry, reaching no. 5 early, so it's going to eight at least...
Update: We're already up an entry, reaching no. 5 early, so it's going to eight at least...
Goonies never say die.
This is your time for sure. And your timing was impressive too. Based on what I've just written in the next post, I suppose I need to do a truffle shuffle...
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