Wednesday 19 January 2011


Today's blog I think deserves more readers is Super Galactic Dreadnought.

Why? The first reason is ships - spaceships to be exact - and we may all feel a bond, whatever our fiction. Super Galactic Dreadnought has a lot to say about them, whether it's spaceship design and designers, model scale, ship naming or spaceship gaming.

Wargamers more interested in terra firma - or even extraterra firma - might like the recent branching out into Ogre by one of the Steve Jacksons, with its robotic tanks. The introduction is here, and the first part and second parts of the model review here and here. SGD also has a clear liking for Hordes of the Things, which gets played monthly.

Roleplayers of all settings might like the recent world and system building post and its links to some powerful tools. (A tabletop world is built here.) Fantasy roleplayers in particular may be surprised to hear that ckutalik of Hill Cantons fame dropped by a week or so ago - in physical form no less! - to play a game of starship combat. And he liked it.

So strap yourself in, power up the turbos and go engage. Super Galactic Dreadnought. It's super. It's galactic. There's nought to dread, except missing out.

Don't forget the previous PROTOSTARS!, also well worth a look.



Desert Scribe said...

Thank you so much for the referral, Porky! I appreciate all your kind words here, and in comments on my blog.

FYI, the third OGRE minis post is now up:

Papa JJ said...

Thanks for the great recommendation, Porky, that looks like an awesome blog! And with HotT too, wow!!

Porky said...

@ Desert Scribe - With yesterday's discussion still fresh in the mind, I'll say "I'm just the messenger". As for the newest post, the blog just keeps getting better!

@ Papa JJ - It's all Desert Scribe's doing: if the quality wasn't so high, I probably wouldn't have been driven to do it. I read every post and keep going back for more.