Saturday 22 January 2011

Porky models - Ork (6) - Choppa 1 & Shoota 2 (components)

I've started work on the next Ork in the sequence. For newcomers, the thinking behind the series is introduced here and here and the first completed build is here.

As with the first, I'll show the components I'm going to use for the arms as a visual puzzle. The question: how might these pieces be cut up and various parts combined to produce a big, shooty shoota and a slightly unusual, more clubby choppa?

As a clue, I'll remind you I want to start playing up the idea that Ork physiology has no real trouble accepting primitive 'bioniks', and I want more of a sense of their alien nature to come through in their equipment; it's too recognisably human. This explains why there are more elements being used than might be expected. One is the arm left over from the last Ork build, and this build will leave two. I'll also mention there's nothing here not on the Ork boyz sprues, though I will of course be adding plenty of greenstuff.


Cursed13 said...

Porky, stop teasing us with bitz and show us some finished Orkses. I might just feel inclined to paint my 120 Ork mob. Maybe.

Porky said...

It's the zen of modelling; it's about the experience and the meditation. Here's a quasi-kōan:

If 120 boyz can always lead to defeat, how can one boy always bring victory?

GEM Team said...

Can't wait to see it build.

C'nor (Outermost_Toe) said...

Because it's a lot easier to paint one Ork than a hundred-and-twenty of them?

Anyway, moving on...

My thought on the big shooty shoota is:

Cut the gun on the top one in half, then slice the bit just before the ammo belt of the other one off. Stick 'em together. Should give you something good.

C'nor (Outermost_Toe) said...

Oh, and slice the blade off the axe-choppa at the top left, and then stick it on the bottom of the hybrid weapon I suggested in my first post.

Capcha: Outer.

Anonymous said...

An interesting puzzle. Already looking forward to the next installment. I like what you are doing here with this post...

Papa JJ said...

Shooty shootas, clubby choppas, bioniks and ork physiology, and a meditative koan too... this is a surprisingly contemplative post given the subject matter, although considering the author I suppose it's par for the course. :) Awesome stuff, Porky! I look forward to seeing how all those pieces will fit together.

Bartender said...

This project has great potential! :)

Porky said...

@ GEM Team - Nor me. It's a pain having to wait for glue to dry and greenstuff to set!

@ C'nor (Outermost_Toe) - It's a quasi-kōan because I had a right answer in mind, and yours is close to it. Mine was the idea that needing 120 may mean few get finished or the project abandoned. Having one and taking pleasure in the building for its own sake is actually enough, but might even get you further through that horde. It's like Killzone over full 40K. I like your idea for the shoota and after reading your comment matched up those parts - it looks good and quite unlike the other shootas on the sprue. That said, I want to go bigger, even unfeasibly big. For me, the axe would work well on your design too, but the first Ork I put up here had similar and I'll try to avoid repetition as long as I can. If you game with minis and don't already convert, it seems you'd do it well right out of the starting gate!

@ b.smoove - Again it's your influence. If not through Killzone directly, then through your Ork team, and recent posts generally. I don't think I can overstate how much your Orks alone are driving me on. As for this post, we just need to slow down and think, look deeper; it all comes easier then - things build themselves.

@ Papa JJ - Orks and meditation don't really go together, that's true..! Then again, Ork existence is simple, and harmonious in a sense, despite the barbarism. Their nature has the worst of ours, but taken as a whole - spores, snotlings, gretchin and squigs included - it might by some be judged better. Not sure how I feel about it though..! Not convinced yet.

@ Bartender - Yep. I'm happy with the progress so far. It always goes better than I expect, for the pondering I think. There's some greenstuffing to do and the next part will be up.

Nesbet said...

Can't wait to see more!
I can imagine some mixture using those bits, but I think I won`t be as cool as you will make it. Keeps the pics coming, I'll be looking forward to see this ork finished!! ;D

Porky said...

I'm getting there, slowly. I can't quite believe my reality will be better than your imagination!

C'nor (Outermost_Toe) said...


Thanks! Hopefully this bodes well for whatever I can get today.