Friday 12 August 2011

Mary, Mary, quite contrary...

This is the first of two loosely linked posts, inspired by other blogs, real world events and Ms Shelley. This post has the short forms and the next will have some ideas for gaming.

Number one is for this week's Flash Fearsday, an attempt at horror in 140 characters.

Orchards, greenhouses and potting sheds; warm earths and leafy beds... 
As they stalk freezer drawers, of what do Frankenstein foods dream..?

The second is for the last Expansion Joints, which is 15 words, one of them shock.

Shock! Sparks fly; a monster born. Doomed to destruction!
But how if made of men?

It could be taken as scathing commentary, but if The Telegraph got there first, is it..?


cj Schlottman said...

Wow. From the serenity and new life of a greenhouse to freezer drawers of Frankenstein food in a flash! Cool.

I can see those sparks, but I'm such a nerd, I can't imagine the monster.

Love this post.


Game Master Rob Adams said...

Of Men and Monsters. That's what comes to mind. Nice post.

DocStout said...

Clever stuff. I enjoy the challenge in writing withing strictly defined forms, as I tend towards the verbose. It is good practice to hone the skills used in revising longer works.

Jennie said...

Masterful use of the prompt! I took the liberty of linking to here from my blog, since it didn't look like you'd gotten over there to do so yet. I hope you don't mind. Should I post a link over at C'nor's place, too?

I love the Expansions Joints piece's references to all the monsters - Mary's and the two that have rampaged through Britain of late.

The Frankenfoods horror really hits me at a gut level. (Please pardon the pun - I know it might be considered in poor taste...) I escaped working as a scientist in that industry by the skin of my teeth.

Porky said...

Thanks very much.

@ cj Schlottman - Same here. I didn't fully visualise either of them when I was writing. The first I thought of more as a malevolent motion, and the second was as derivative and impersonal as Jennie suggests.

@ ArmChairGeneral - I'm guessing you mean the novel. I've never read it, but I'd certainly like to based on what I know.

@ DocStout - The short forms definitely make me think, and it does seem there's a knock-on benefit when it comes to revising the longer. The one trouble I've noticed is that I tend to make those longer forms a little too dense first time round, as if I'm facing the same or a similar low word count.

@ Jennie - Thanks for that too; I just ran out of time again. I'll go link at C'nor's now and be over to catch up at yours right after.